Extract directory name, file name with root and extension in Applescript

Alec Jacobson

August 16, 2009


I posted earlier about using my last_offset function to extract the directory name and base name of a POSIX paths in applescript. This proves to be much more useful with URLs than Mac OS X file paths, especially because the default is not POSIX in applescript rather to use colons to separate files. So I want to write a pure applescript bulletproof extractor for directory name and file name with extension. Here's some problems right up front: Using Finder I can't make a new folder called: "foo:bar"

Finder won't make directories with colons

But using Finder I can make a new folder called "foo/bar"

Finder will (sort of) make directories with slashes

although examining that directory in Terminal I see that the slash / is interpreted as an escaped colon \:, shown here:

Terminal will make colon directory

Now on the Terminal command line I can not make a directory called "foo/bar"

Terminal won't make slash directory

but on the Terminal command line I can make a directory called "bar:foo"

Terminal will make colon directory

but examining that directory back in Finder I see that there the colon becomes a "/" again.

Finder will change colons in names to slashes

Using Script Editor and treating the alias of one of these shape-shifting directories as a string, the character renders as a slash. Script Editor treats character as a slash These will be our extreme test cases for a bulletproof directory name and file name extractor in applescript. Here's my attempt:
-- given a file (or folder) return a list containing 
--   the path to its parent directory, 
--   its name without its file extension, and 
--   its file extension
on parse_file(this_file)
	set default_delimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	-- if given file is a folder then strip terminal ":" so as to return 
	-- folder name as file name and true parent directory
	if last item of (this_file as string) = ":" then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		set this_file to (items 1 through -2 of (this_file as string)) as string
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
	set this_parent_dir to (text items 1 through -2 of (this_file as string)) as string
	set this_name to (text item -1 of (this_file as string)) as string
	-- default or no extension is empty string
	set this_extension to ""
	if this_name contains "." then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
		set this_extension to the last text item of this_name
		set this_name to (text items 1 through -2 of this_name) as string
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to default_delimiters
	return {this_parent_dir, this_name, this_extension}
end parse_file