Permissions for new folders on CIMS web pages

Alec Jacobson

July 16, 2010


This happens to me all the time working on my cims site. I',m in public_html and I make a new directory, i.e.:
mkdir foo
Then I try to go to[your name]/foo and I get:
Access forbidden ... Error 403
So I look at the permissions by issuing:
ls -l 
And find that only I can read foo/:
drwx------   2 [your name] [your group]         2 Jul 16 13:27 foo
Ok, so the default must be to have no read permissions, so naturally I always try:
chmod 604 foo/
Which also doesn't work, I think because Apache needs the folder to have executable permissions. So finally the solution (also not hard to find on the cims help page is to issue:
chmod 705 foo/
Note: As a reminder here, you can set images/files/etc. to be readable on the web with:
chmod 604 file_name