ARPACK driver translated from fortran to c++

Alec Jacobson

December 01, 2010


In an attempt to understand how to make a C++ interface to ARPACK to solve eigenvalue problems. I've translated the "real nonsymmetric generalized eigenvalue problem" example (EXAMPLES/NONSYM/dndrv3.f) from fortran into a cpp program. Here's my translation, save it in a file called dndrv3.cpp:
/* dndrv3.f translated by Alec Jacobson
#include <assert.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include "f2c.h"

/*     %-----------------------------% */
/*     | Define leading dimensions   | */
/*     | for all arrays.             | */
/*     | MAXN:   Maximum dimension   | */
/*     |         of the A allowed.   | */
/*     | MAXNEV: Maximum NEV allowed | */
/*     | MAXNCV: Maximum NCV allowed | */
/*     %-----------------------------% */
#define maxn 256
#define maxnev 10
#define maxncv  25
#define ldv maxn
// need pointer to ldv constant value
integer LDV = ldv;

/*     %--------------% */
/*     | Local Arrays | */
/*     %--------------% */
integer iparam[11], ipntr[14];
logical select[maxncv];
// Fortran is column-major order!
doublereal ax[maxn],

/*     %---------------% */
/*     | Local Scalars | */
/*     %---------------% */
char * bmat;
char * which;
integer ido,
doublereal tol,
logical first,

/*     %------------% */
/*     | Parameters | */
/*     %------------% */
doublereal zero = 0.0,
           one = 1.0;

/*     %-----------------------------% */
/*     | BLAS & LAPACK routines used | */
/*     %-----------------------------% */
extern "C"{
  extern doublereal dnrm2_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
  extern doublereal dlapy2_(doublereal *, doublereal *);
  extern /* Subroutine */ int dscal_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
  integer *);
  extern /* Subroutine */ int daxpy_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
    integer *, doublereal *, integer *);
  extern /* Subroutine */ int dpttrf_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *,
    integer *);
  extern /* Subroutine */ int dpttrs_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, 
    doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *);

/*     %-----------------------------% */
/*     | other routines used         | */
/*     %-----------------------------% */
/* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
extern /* Subroutine */ int dmout_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 
  doublereal *, integer *, integer *, char *, ftnlen);

extern /* Subroutine */ int av_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *);
extern /* Subroutine */ int mv_(integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *);
extern /* Subroutine */ int dnaupd_(integer *, char *, integer *, char *, 
  integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, 
  integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, 
  integer *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen);
extern /* Subroutine */ int dneupd_(logical *, char *, logical *, 
  doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *,
  doublereal *, doublereal *, char *, integer *, char *, integer *,
  doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, 
  integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, 
  integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen);

/*     matrix vector multiplication subroutine */
int av_(integer *n, doublereal *v, doublereal *w)
  integer j;
  doublereal one, two, dd, dl, du, s, h, rho;
  rho = 10.;
  one = 1.0;
  two = 2.0;

  /*     Compute the matrix vector multiplication y<---A*x */
  /*     where A is stiffness matrix obtained from the finite element */
  /*     discretization of the 1-dimensional convection diffusion operator */
  /*                           d^2u/dx^2 + rho*(du/dx) */
  /*     on the interval [0,1] with zero Dirichlet boundary condition using */
  /*     linear elements. */

  h = one / (doublereal)(*n+1);
  s = rho/two;
  dd = two/h;
  dl = -one/h -s;
  du = -one/h + s;

  w[0] = dd*v[0] + du * v[1];
  for(int j = 1;j<*n-1;j++)
    w[j] = dl*v[j-1] + dd*v[j] + du*v[j+1];
  w[*n-1] = dl*v[*n-2] + dd*v[*n-1];


int mv_(integer *n, doublereal *v, doublereal *w)
  integer j;
  doublereal one, four, h;
  one = 1.0;
  four = 4.0;

/*     Compute the matrix vector multiplication y<---M*x */
/*     where M is the mass matrix formed by using piecewise linear */
/*     elements on [0,1]. */

  w[0] = four*v[0] + one*v[1];
  for(int j = 1;j<*n-1;j++)
    w[j] = one*v[j-1] + four*v[j] + one*v[j+1];
  w[*n-1] = one*v[*n-2] + four*v[*n-1];

  h = one / (doublereal)(*n + 1);
  // increment of array, need as pointer by dscal_
  integer incx = 1;

int main(void){
  /*     %----------------------------------------------------% */
  /*     | The number N is the dimension of the matrix.  A    | */
  /*     | generalized eigenvalue problem is solved (BMAT =   | */
  /*     | 'G').  NEV is the number of eigenvalues to be      | */
  /*     | approximated.  The user can modify NEV, NCV, WHICH | */
  /*     | to solve problems of different sizes, and to get   | */
  /*     | different parts of the spectrum.  However, The     | */
  /*     | following conditions must be satisfied:            | */
  /*     |                    N <= MAXN,                      | */
  /*     |                  NEV <= MAXNEV,                    | */
  /*     |              NEV + 2 <= NCV <= MAXNCV              | */
  /*     %----------------------------------------------------% */
  // Set problem size
  n = 100;
  // Set number of eigen values desired
  nev = 4;
  //  NCV is the largest number of basis vectors that will be used in 
  //  the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Process.  Work per major iteration
  //  is proportional to N*NCV*NCV.
  ncv = 20;
  bmat = "G";
  which = "LM";

/*     %------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | M is the mass matrix formed by using piecewise | */
/*     | linear elements on [0,1].                      | */
/*     %------------------------------------------------% */

  h = one / (doublereal)(n+1);
  for(int j = 0;j<n-1;j++)
    md[j] = 4.0 * h;
    me[j] = one*h;
  md[n-1] = 4*h;

  // Factor md using LAPACK's symmetric positive definite factor routine
  if( ierr != 0 )
    printf("ERROR with _pttrf\n");

/*     %-----------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | The work array WORKL is used in DNAUPD as           | */
/*     | workspace.  Its dimension LWORKL is set as          | */
/*     | illustrated below.  The parameter TOL determines    | */
/*     | the stopping criterion. If TOL<=0, machine          | */
/*     | precision is used.  The variable IDO is used for    | */
/*     | reverse communication, and is initially set to 0.   | */
/*     | Setting INFO=0 indicates that a random vector is    | */
/*     | generated in DNAUPD to start the Arnoldi iteration. | */
/*     %-----------------------------------------------------% */
  lworkl = 3*ncv*ncv+6*ncv;
  tol    = 0.0;
  ido    = 0;
  info   = 0;

/*     %---------------------------------------------------% */
/*     | This program uses exact shifts with respect to    | */
/*     | the current Hessenberg matrix (IPARAM[0] = 1).    | */
/*     | IPARAM[2] specifies the maximum number of Arnoldi | */
/*     | iterations allowed.  Mode 2 of DNAUPD is used     | */
/*     | (IPARAM[6] = 2).  All these options can be        | */
/*     | changed by the user. For details, see the         | */
/*     | documentation in DNAUPD.                          | */
/*     %---------------------------------------------------% */

  // use the exact shift strategy 
  // ISHIFT = 1: exact shift with respect to the current
  //   Hessenberg matrix H.  This is equivalent to
  //   restarting the iteration from the beginning
  //   after updating the starting vector with a linear 
  //   combination of Ritz vectors associated with the  
  //   "wanted" eigenvalues. 
  ishfts = 1;
  maxitr = 300;
  mode = 2;

  iparam[0] = ishfts;
  iparam[2] = maxitr;
  iparam[6] = mode;

/*     %-------------------------------------------% */
/*     | M A I N   L O O P (Reverse communication) | */
/*     %-------------------------------------------% */

/*        %---------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Repeatedly call the routine DNAUPD and take | */
/*        | actions indicated by parameter IDO until    | */
/*        | either convergence is indicated or maxitr   | */
/*        | has been exceeded.                          | */
/*        %---------------------------------------------% */
    if (ido == -1 || ido == 1)
/*           %----------------------------------------% */
/*           | Perform  y <--- OP*x = inv[M]*A*x      | */
/*           | The user should supply his/her own     | */
/*           | matrix vector routine and a linear     | */
/*           | system solver.  The matrix-vector      | */
/*           | subroutine should take workd(ipntr(1)) | */
/*           | as input, and the final result should  | */
/*           | be returned to workd(ipntr(2)).        | */
/*           %----------------------------------------% */
      // Perform matrix vector multiply: A*word[ipntr[0]-1] into
      // workd[ipntr[1]-1]
      av_(&n, &workd[ipntr[0] - 1], &workd[ipntr[1] - 1]);
      // dpttrs_ needs pointer to NRHS, number of right hand sides
      integer num_rhs= 1;
      // DPTTRS solves a tridiagonal system of the form
      //    M * Y = A*X
      //    you can read this as computing y:
      //    Y = M^-1 * A * X
      //    workd[ipntr[1]-1] is both the input (A*X) and the output (Y)
      // using the L*D*L' factorization of A computed by DPTTRF.  D is a
      // diagonal matrix specified in the vector D, L is a unit bidiagonal
      // matrix whose subdiagonal is specified in the vector E, and X and B
      // are N by NRHS matrices.
      dpttrs_(&n, &num_rhs, md, me, &workd[ipntr[1] - 1], &n, &ierr);
      if( ierr != 0 )
        printf("ERROR with _pttrs\n");
    }else if ( ido == 2 ) 

/*           %-------------------------------------% */
/*           |        Perform  y <--- M*x          | */
/*           | The matrix vector multiplication    | */
/*           | routine should take workd(ipntr(1)) | */
/*           | as input and return the result to   | */
/*           | workd(ipntr(2)).                    | */
/*           %-------------------------------------% */
      mv_(&n, &workd[ipntr[0] - 1], &workd[ipntr[1] - 1]);
/*     %-----------------------------------------% */
/*     | Either we have convergence, or there is | */
/*     | an error.                               | */
/*     %-----------------------------------------% */

    else if (info < 0) 

/*        %--------------------------% */
/*        | Error message. Check the | */
/*        | documentation in DNAUPD. | */
/*        %--------------------------% */
      printf("Error with _naupd, info = %d\n"
        "Check the documentation of _naupd.\n",
/*        %-------------------------------------------% */
/*        | No fatal errors occurred.                 | */
/*        %-------------------------------------------% */

        // Break out of reverse communication loop

/*        %-------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Post-Process using DNEUPD.                | */
/*        |                                           | */
/*        | Computed eigenvalues may be extracted.    | */
/*        |                                           | */
/*        | Eigenvectors may also be computed now if  | */
/*        | desired.  (indicated by rvec = .true.)    | */
/*        %-------------------------------------------% */
  rvec = true;
    (ftnlen) 1,

/*        %-----------------------------------------------% */
/*        | The real part of the eigenvalue is returned   | */
/*        | in the first column of the two dimensional    | */
/*        | array D, and the IMAGINARY part is returned   | */
/*        | in the second column of D.  The corresponding | */
/*        | eigenvectors are returned in the first NEV    | */
/*        | columns of the two dimensional array V if     | */
/*        | requested.  Otherwise, an orthogonal basis    | */
/*        | for the invariant subspace corresponding to   | */
/*        | the eigenvalues in D is returned in V.        | */
/*        %-----------------------------------------------% */
  if( ierr != 0 )

/*           %------------------------------------% */
/*           | Error condition:                   | */
/*           | Check the documentation of DNEUPD. | */
/*           %------------------------------------% */
    printf("Error with _neupd, info = %d\n"
      "Check the doumentation of _neupd\n",
    first = true;
    nconv = iparam[4];
    for(int j = 0; j<iparam[4];j++)
/*              %---------------------------% */
/*              | Compute the residual norm | */
/*              |                           | */
/*              |  ||  A*x - lambda*M*x ||  | */
/*              |                           | */
/*              | for the NCONV accurately  | */
/*              | computed eigenvalues and  | */
/*              | eigenvectors.  (iparam(5) | */
/*              | indicates how many are    | */
/*              | accurate to the requested | */
/*              | tolerance)                | */
/*              %---------------------------% */
      // need point to x,y increment values for daxpy
      integer incx = 1;
      integer incy = 1;
      if( d[1*maxncv+j] == zero)

/*                 %--------------------% */
/*                 | Ritz value is real | */
/*                 %--------------------% */
        // Multiply A * v(:,j) -> ax
        av_(&n, &v[j*ldv + 0], ax);
        // Multiply M * v(:,j) -> mx
        mv_(&n, &v[j*ldv + 0], mx);
        // need pointer to minus d[0,j]
        doublereal minus_d_0_j = -d[0*maxncv+j];
        // ax <-- -d[0,j] * mx + ax
        daxpy_(&n, &minus_d_0_j, mx, &incx, ax, &incy);
        // d[2,j] <-- ||ax||
        d[2*maxncv+j] = dnrm2_(&n,ax,&incx);
        d[2*maxncv+j] /= dabs(d[0*maxncv + j]);
      }else if (first) 

/*                 %------------------------% */
/*                 | Ritz value is complex  | */
/*                 | Residual of one Ritz   | */
/*                 | value of the conjugate | */
/*                 | pair is computed.      | */
/*                 %------------------------% */

        // Multiply A * v(:,j) -> ax
        av_(&n, &v[j*ldv + 0], ax);
        // Multiply M * v(:,j) -> mx
        mv_(&n, &v[j*ldv + 0], mx);
        // need pointer to minus d[0,j]
        doublereal minus_d_0_j = -d[0*maxncv+j];
        // ax <-- -d[0,j] * mx + ax
        daxpy_(&n, &minus_d_0_j, mx, &incx, ax, &incy);
        // Multiply M * v(:,j+1) -> mx
        mv_(&n, &v[(j+1)*ldv + 0], mx);
        // ax <-- d[1,j] * mx + ax
        daxpy_(&n, &d[1*maxncv +j], mx, &incx, ax, &incy);
        // d[2,j] <-- ||ax||
        d[2*maxncv+j] = dnrm2_(&n,ax,&incx);
        // d[2,j] <-- d[2,j]^2
        d[2*maxncv+j] *= d[2*maxncv+j];
        // Multiply A * v(:,j+1) -> ax
        av_(&n, &v[(j+1)*ldv + 0], ax);
        // Multiply M * v(:,j+1) -> mx
        mv_(&n, &v[(j+1)*ldv + 0], mx);
        // need pointer to minus d[0,j]
        minus_d_0_j = -d[0*maxncv+j];
        // ax <-- -d[0,j] * mx + ax
        daxpy_(&n, &minus_d_0_j, mx, &incx, ax, &incy);
        // Multiply M * v(:,j) -> mx
        mv_(&n, &v[(j)*ldv + 0], mx);
        // need pointer to minus d[1,j]
        doublereal minus_d_1_j = -d[1*maxncv+j];
        // ax <-- d[1,j] * mx + ax
        daxpy_(&n, &minus_d_1_j, mx, &incx, ax, &incy);
        // d[2,j] <-- sqrt(d[2,j]^2 + ||ax||^2)
        doublereal ax_sqr = dnrm2_(&n,ax,&incx);
        d[2*maxncv+j] = dlapy2_(&d[2*maxncv+j],&ax_sqr);
        // d[2,j] <-- d[2,j] / sqrt(d[0,j]^2 + d[1,j]^2)
        d[2*maxncv+j] = d[2*maxncv+j] / dlapy2_(&d[0*maxncv+j],&d[1*maxncv+j]);
        d[2*maxncv+j+1] = d[2*maxncv+j];
        first = false;
        first = true;

/*           %-----------------------------% */
/*           | Display computed residuals. | */
/*           %-----------------------------% */
    // need pointer to maxncv
    integer MAXNCV = maxncv;
    integer m = 6, lda = 3, idigit = -6;
    dmout_(&m, &nconv, &lda, d, &MAXNCV, &idigit, 
        "Ritz values (Real,Imag) and relative residuals", 


/*        %------------------------------------------% */
/*        | Print additional convergence information | */
/*        %------------------------------------------% */
  if( info == 1 )
    printf("Maximum number of iterations reached.\n");
  }else if(info == 3)
    printf("No shifts could be applied during implicit"
        " Arnoldi update, try increasing NCV.\n");
   " ====== \n"
   " \n"
   " Size of the matrix is %d\n"
   " The number of Ritz values requested is %d\n"
   " The number of Arnoldi vectors generated"
   " (NCV) is %d\n"
   " What portion of the spectrum: %s\n"
   " The number of converged Ritz values is %d\n"
   " The number of Implicit Arnoldi update,"
   " iterations taken is %d\n"
   " The number of OP*x is %d\n"
   " The convergence criterion is %g\n"
   " \n",

/*     %---------------------------% */
/*     | Done with program dndrv3. | */
/*     %---------------------------% */
  return 0;
This assumes that you used f2c to compile ARPACK, so you should be able to compile this on a mac with something like:
g++ dndrv3.cpp -o dndrv3_cpp -framework Accelerate -L[path to libarpack.a] -larpack -lf2c
Then if you issue:
You should see:
 Ritz values (Real,Imag) and relative residuals
               Col   1       Col   2       Col   3
  Row   1:    4.96055E+01   0.00000E+00   9.79801E-01
  Row   2:    4.10548E+02   0.00000E+00   2.73244E-01
  Row   3:    2.00256E+03   0.00000E+00   1.38874E-01
  Row   4:    3.01419E+03   0.00000E+00   7.42380E-02
 Size of the matrix is 100
 The number of Ritz values requested is 4
 The number of Arnoldi vectors generated (NCV) is 20
 What portion of the spectrum: LM
 The number of converged Ritz values is 4
 The number of Implicit Arnoldi update, iterations taken is 14
 The number of OP*x is 218
 The convergence criterion is 1.11022e-16
Which is the same as what you should see if you ran the original fortran version (up to double precision print accuracy).