Pseudo-color a mesh using random colors for multiple (weight) functions
Alec Jacobson
August 23, 2011
Often it's useful to visualize many functions on a mesh at the same time. Here I assign each function a random pseudocolor, then the color at each vertex of the mesh is just a blend of the function colors weighted by their respective function values. This is especially useful if your functions are already weight functions themselves (defined between 0 and 1). So, if your mesh is defined by V and F then you have a set of function values defined on the vertices W: #V by #functions, then you can use a previously posted function for randomly generating a #functions list of colors. Putting it all together with a matrix multiplication you have:
To make the rendering a little nicer you can use:
lighting gouraud
axis equal
shading interp
Here's a visualization of bounded biharmonic weights on the Armadillo.

And here's an easy way to visualize segmenting the mesh based on the maximum function value:
% get indices of max value for each row
which produces something like: