Fullscreen, blank homepage
Alec Jacobson
September 03, 2011
I usually use a blank or empty page as my homepage. This makes for quick browser start up and minimal waiting when making new tabs/windows.
I find myself often opening a new browser window resizing it to fill the whole screen and then browsing. This goes against how apple wants me to use my mac. The little green plus sign button on the top left corner of the screen is supposed to be smart enough to always maximize the current window only as much as it needs to/should. But what is the correct maximization of a blank page? Apparently its a full height window with some arbitrary width. Why not make it a full height and full width window. To do this for my browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrom(e|ium)) I made a little html file that displays a blank, fullscreen-able page. Save the following in a file on your computer called fullscreen-homepage.html:
<title>Fullscreen Homepage</title>
<body style="min-width:10000px;overflow:hidden">
Open the file with your browser and copy the address at the top (starting with file://
to your browser's preferences as your homepage for new tabs and windows. Here's what to change in the Safari preferences: