Choosing a spelling for paramet(e|)ri(z|s)ation
Alec Jacobson
September 07, 2011
Today I was reading a list of papers and saw "Global Parametrization of Range Image Sets". I google the title to hopefully find more information. Instead I was distracted that google had automatically decided to instead search for "Global Parameterization of Range Image Sets". So ignorantly projecting my own lack spelling confidence, I prepared a kind letter to the authors suggesting they check their official title for the typo. Luckily I double checked their spelling and found an interesting situation. Wikipedia currently redirects Parameterization to Parametrization, opposite of Google's correction. The wikipedia page does list these two varying spellings and two more (british equivalents, with an s in place of the z). Using Google N-grams there seems to have been some interesting controversy in the spelling 20 to 30 years ago. But at least from their data the clear winner is Parameterization with two e's and a z.