I burned way too many hours tracking down a foolish bug I had in my GLSL/OpenGL code. The bug had to do with setting uniform variables in my GLSL vertex shader. My shader code looked something like:
uniform mat4 my_matrices[100];
uniform int my_int;
void main()
// ... something using my_int and my_matrices
I would then try to set them in my C++ OpenGL code with:
This should work as long as my_matrices_location and my_int_location are set properly. Here's I was setting them
// get number of active uniforms
GLint n = 200;
// get max uniform name length
GLint max_name_length;
// buffer for name
GLchar * name = new GLchar[max_name_length];
// buffer for length
GLsizei length = 100;
// Type of variable
GLenum type;
// Count of variables
GLint size;
// loop over active uniforms getting each's name
for(GLuint u = 0;u < n;u++)
if(string(name) == "my_matrices[0]")
my_matrices_location = u;
}else if(string(name) == "my_int")
my_int_location = u;
The mistake is that I'm confusing the variable's index which I pass to glGetActiveUniform
with it's location which cannot be retrieved by glGetActiveUniform
. Instead I need to retrieve the variable's location with glGetUniformLocation
. Here's how I'm now setting my uniform variable locations CORRECTLY:
my_matrices_location = glGetUniformLocation(my_prog_id,"my_matrices[0]");
my_int_location = glGetUniformLocation(my_prog_id,"my_int");