Patch for AntTweakBar to support pasting from clipboard on Mac OS X
Alec Jacobson
January 03, 2012
I recently noticed I could use pbpaste and a system call to integrate the clipboard's contents into my C++ programs. I use AntTweakBar all the time for quick prototyping UI and though it has a default internal clipboard, I found it frustrating that it doesn't hook into my mac's global clipboard. To make this happen I just modified TwBar.cpp in two places EditInPlaceSetClipboard and EditInPlaceGetClipboard, surrounding each edit with #elif defined ANT_OSX
. Now I can copy from my AntTweakBar and paste into some other app or copy from some other app and paste into an AntTweakBar string field.
Here's what to place in EditInPlaceSetClipboard
// PATCH BEGIN Alec Jacobson, 2012
// PATCH BEGIN Alec Jacobson, 2012
#elif defined ANT_OSX
stringstream cmd;
cmd << "echo \"" << _String << "\" | pbcopy";
FILE* pipe = popen(cmd.str().c_str(), "r");
if (!pipe)
return false;
And here's what to place in EditInPlaceGetClipboard
// PATCH BEGIN Alec Jacobson, 2012
// PATCH BEGIN Alec Jacobson, 2012
#elif defined ANT_OSX
FILE* pipe = popen("pbpaste", "r");
if (!pipe)
return false;
char buffer[128];
string result = "";
if(fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL)
result += buffer;
*_OutString = result.c_str();
To ensure your binaries run with this patched version you might consider compiling AntTweakBar as a static library.