Batch optimize all pdfs in Papers database

Alec Jacobson

November 16, 2012


I use Papers2 to organize the academic papers that I read. I store the Papers database on Dropbox. Currently I have quite a few papers and the size of the database is going close to my Dropbox allowance. Here's what I did to reduce the database size by about 50% using Adobe Acrobat Pro 9:
  1. Back up using:
    zip -r Papers2/
  2. In Acrobat open some PDF
  3. Select Advanced > PDF Optimizer...
  4. Set up your according to taste. I use:
  5. Save these settings as "camera"
  6. Close the pdf optimizer and the current PDF document
  7. Select Advanced > Document Processing > Batch Processing...
  8. Select "New sequence"
  9. Under Run commands on: choose "Selected Folder" and select your Papers2 folder
  10. Under Select output location: "Same folder as originals"
  11. Finally, select Output options... and:
  12. Save and hit Run sequence