SketchFab has many 3D models, like this bulldog. Open up their webgl viewer and extract the following Javascript variables to recover the model vertices and faces.
// Copy result of this:
// to U
for each primitive p
// Copy result of this
// to P{p+1}.indices, and
view3D._scene.children[2].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[1].primitives[p].mode // 5 means TRIANGLE_STRIP, 4 means TRIANGLES
// to P{p+1}.mode
Then in matlab you can issue:
V = reshape(U,3,[])';
F = [];
for p = 1:numel(P)
switch P{p}.mode
case 4
F = [F;reshape(P{p}.indices+1,3,[])'];
case 5
pF = triangles_from_strip(P{p}.indices+1);
dblA = doublearea(V,pF);
F = [F;pF(dblA>0,:)];
Then you can save it to a obj, off or stl file or just render it in MATLAB: