Change matlab current directory to match terminals current directory

Alec Jacobson

January 17, 2014


Here's a little "one-liner" I've aliased to change the current directory in MATLAB to the current directory of a bash script in terminal. It uses applescript to send the cd command to matlab.

osascript -e "`echo -e \"tell application \\"MATLAB_R2013b\\"\ndelay 0.1\nactivate\ntell application \\"System Events\\"\n keystroke \\"   cd $(pwd)\\"\nkeystroke return\nend tell\nend tell\"`"

You may need to fiddle with the delays on your machine.

I alias this to cdmatlab by playing this at the bottom of my ~/.profile:

alias cdmatlab='osascript -e "`echo -e \"tell application \\"MATLAB_R2013b\\"\ndelay 0.1\nactivate\ntell application \\"System Events\\"\n keystroke \\"   cd $(pwd)\\"\nkeystroke return\nend tell\nend tell\"`"'