Parallel Quadratic Programming for Image Processing Matlab implementation

Alec Jacobson

December 18, 2014


A few years ago, we came across this interesting method for solving QPs, described in "Parallel Quadratic Programming for Image Processing" by [Brand and Chen 2011]. I've implemented this in matlab. Save the following in a file called merl_quadprog.m:

function x = merl_quadprog(varargin)
  % MERL_QUADPROG Optimize problems of the form:
  % min_x 1/2 x' Q x - x' h
  % s.t. x>=0
  % According to the method described in "PARALLEL QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING FOR
  % IMAGE PROCESSING" [Brand & Chen 11]
  % x = merl_quadprog(Q,h,'ParamterName',ParameterValue)
  % Inputs:
  %   Q  n by n symmetric positive semi-definite quadratic coefficients matrix
  %   h  n by 1 linear coefficents vector (note sign)
  % Outputs:
  %   x  n by 1 solution vector

  Q = varargin{1};
  h = varargin{2};

  n = size(Q,1);
  assert(size(Q,2) == n);
  assert(numel(h) == n);
  h = h(:);

  max_iter = inf;
  tol = 1e-7;

  % initial guess
  x0 = ones(n,1);

  v = 3;
  while v <= numel(varargin)
    switch varargin{v}
    case 'X0'
      v = v+1;
      x0 = varargin{v};
      error(['Unknown parameter: ' varargin{v}]);
    v = v+1;

  %% "some r ∈ R^n ≥ 0"
  %r = sparse(n,1);
  % ri = max(Qii , ∑ j Q−i j )
  r = max(diag(Q),max(-Q,[],2));

  % "similarly" ... "si>0"
  s = ones(n,1);

  Qp = max(Q,0) + diag(r);
  Qm = max(-Q,0) + diag(r);
  hp = max(h,0) + s;
  hm = max(-h,0) + s;

  x = x0;
  it = 0;
  while true
    x_prev = x;
    x = x.*(hp+Qm*x)./(hm+Qp*x);
    it = it + 1;
    diff = max(abs(x-x_prev));
    %fprintf('%d: %g\n',it,diff);
    if it >= max_iter
    if diff<=tol

This seems like an interesting way to solve non-negative least squares problems. Though the theory extends to general QPs, I'm not sure how efficient this method would be in the case on general linear inequality constraints.

I've also added this to the gptoolbox.