Drop-in replacement for MATLAB's graphconncomp from the bioinformatics toolbox

Alec Jacobson

January 11, 2015


One of my colleagues could not run my matlab script because it called graphconncomp. This function computes the connected components of a graph represented by an adjacency matrix. Strangely it is not a built-in function of the standard MATLAB installation. Rather it's included in the bioinformatics toolbox, which my colleague's university did not purchase for him. This was frustrating so I wrote my own drop in replacement. Find this in my gptoolbox:

function [S,C] = conncomp(G)
  % CONNCOMP Drop in replacement for graphconncomp.m from the bioinformatics
  % toobox. G is an n by n adjacency matrix, then this identifies the S
  % connected components C. This is also an order of magnitude faster.
  % [S,C] = conncomp(G)
  % Inputs:
  %   G  n by n adjacency matrix
  % Outputs:
  %   S  scalar number of connected components
  %   C  
  [p,q,r] = dmperm(G+speye(size(G)));
  S = numel(r)-1;
  C = cumsum(full(sparse(1,r(1:end-1),1,1,size(G,1))));
  C(p) = C;

As a pleasant surprise, my implementation is also an order of magnitude faster than graphconncomp. On a 4,000,000 by 4,000,000 sparse adjacency matrix, graphconncomp takes 12 seconds and my conncomp using dmperm takes 2 seconds.