Counting non-zeros in boolean matrices

Alec Jacobson

February 02, 2015


Sometimes I'll use Eigen types with bool as the Scalar type. This invites "gotchas" when I assume the matrices will work like logicals do in MATLAB. Most immediately sum of logicals in matlab will return the integer number of trues (actually returns it as a double type). In Eigen, sum (not surprisingly) just calls operator+ and casts the result to bool again.

So rather than:

Matrix<bool,4,4> B;
B.sum(); // will just return true

if you want to compute the number of true entries use one of:


Things get trickier if your trying to use more advanced accessors. Consider trying to find the number of true entries per row. Instead of


you could use


but this casts the entire matrix first to int


or just roll up the loop over the rows.