Closed mesh of piece-wise constant height field surface from an image

Alec Jacobson

May 06, 2015


I pushed a little function box_height_field.m to gptoolbox. This function creates a height field from an image where each pixel becomes an extruded square (rather than just a point/vertex). There are two modes, one that's fast, vectorized version which doesn't add vertices so that the mesh is closed (though the underlying surface will still be "water-tight"). And a slower version which really creates a perfectly closed height field. Heres' the result of the second one on the red-channel of the Hans Hass image:

im = im2double(imresize(rgb2gray(imread('hans-hass.jpg')),0.1));
[V,F] = box_height_field(im);

box height field

Here's the same result but computed after quantizing the colors:

im = round(im/0.25)*0.25;
[V,F] = box_height_field(im);

box height field

You can clearly see the piecewise-constant regions. Using remesh_planar_patches you can reduce the number of version with losing any information:

[W,G] = remesh_planar_patches(V,F);

box height field