Unless I'm missing something the Hausdorff distance between two triangle meshes will be the maximum over the maximum minimum distance from the vertices of mesh A to the surface of mesh B and the maximum minimum distance from the vertices of mesh B to the surface of mesh A. That is, if p on A and q on B determine the Hausdorff distance between A and B, then it follows that p and/or q is a vertex of A or B respectively. This means you can compute Hausdorff distances easily if you already have a function to compute distances of points (vertices) to a triangle mesh.
So, I've added Hausdorff distance calculation between two meshes to my gptoolbox as the function hausdorff
. Above I'm drawing the pair of points that determine the Hausdorff distance between the Cheburashka and the knight. I'm also drawing the intersection curves of these two meshes. Here's how I generate this image:
% compute Hausdorff distance and "determining" pair
[d,pair] = hausdorff(VA,FA,VB,FB);
% Mesh intersection, reindex as a single mesh
[SV,SF,~,J,IM] = selfintersect([VA;VB],[FA;size(VA,1)+FB]);
SF = IM(SF);
% Extract edges along intersection
allE = [SF(:,[2 3]); SF(:,[3 1]); SF(:,[1 2])];
sortallE = sort(allE,2);
[uE,~,IC] = unique(sortallE,'rows');
uE2F = sparse(IC(:),repmat(1:size(SF,1),1,3)',1);
BE = uE(any(uE2F(:,J<=size(FA,1)),2)&any(uE2F(:,J>size(FA,1)),2),:);
% Draw meshes, intersection lines and Hausdorff distance "determiner"
t = tsurf(SF,SV,'CData',1*(J<=size(FA,1)),'EdgeColor','none','FaceAlpha',0.6);
colormap([0.3 0.4 1.0;0.75 0.8 1.0]);axis equal;view(2);
t.SpecularStrength = 0;
t.DiffuseStrength = 0.7;
t.AmbientStrength = 0.3;
hold on;
plot_edges(SV,BE,'LineWidth',2,'Color',[0.7 0.65 0.55]);
p = tsurf([1 2 2],pair,'EdgeColor',[0.9 0.5 0.1],'LineWidth',6);
hold off;
l = light('Position',[1 -1.5 1.8],'Style','infinite');
ht = add_shadow(t,l);
hp = add_shadow(p,l,'Ground',[0 0 -1 min(SV(:,3))]);
ht.FaceColor = [0.9 0.9 0.9];
hp.FaceColor = ht.FaceColor;
hp.EdgeColor = hp.FaceColor;
hp.LineWidth = p.LineWidth;
Update: I was missing something. The "determiner" points might (at least) be lying on the edges. Consider the two different triangulations of a non-planar quad. For now, consider the libigl and gptoolbox versions of hausdorff distance to be broken. A hopeful patch would be to do in-plane subdivision once, so that there are vertices on all of the edge midpoints, but I'm hesitant to claim that this will fix the problem.