Retrieve system volume and mute status via objective-c

Alec Jacobson

July 25, 2015


Here's a little objective-c program to grab the Mac OS X system volume and mute status (and then multiply them to get the effective volume).

#import <AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h>
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>

@interface Volume : NSObject

@implementation Volume : NSObject
    AudioDeviceID   outputDeviceID = kAudioObjectUnknown;
    // get output device device
    UInt32 propertySize = 0;
    OSStatus status = noErr;
    AudioObjectPropertyAddress propertyAOPA;
    propertyAOPA.mScope = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal;
    propertyAOPA.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;
    propertyAOPA.mSelector = kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice;
    if (!AudioHardwareServiceHasProperty(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &propertyAOPA))
        NSLog(@"Cannot find default output device!");
        return outputDeviceID;
    propertySize = sizeof(AudioDeviceID);
    status = AudioHardwareServiceGetPropertyData(kAudioObjectSystemObject, &propertyAOPA, 0, NULL, &propertySize, &outputDeviceID);
        NSLog(@"Cannot find default output device!");
    return outputDeviceID;

    Float32         outputVolume;
    UInt32 propertySize = 0;
    OSStatus status = noErr;
    AudioObjectPropertyAddress propertyAOPA;
    propertyAOPA.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;
    propertyAOPA.mSelector = kAudioHardwareServiceDeviceProperty_VirtualMasterVolume;
    propertyAOPA.mScope = kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput;
    AudioDeviceID outputDeviceID = [[self class] defaultOutputDeviceID];
    if (outputDeviceID == kAudioObjectUnknown)
        NSLog(@"Unknown device");
        return 0.0;
    if (!AudioHardwareServiceHasProperty(outputDeviceID, &propertyAOPA))
        NSLog(@"No volume returned for device 0x%0x", outputDeviceID);
        return 0.0;
    propertySize = sizeof(Float32);
    status = AudioHardwareServiceGetPropertyData(outputDeviceID, &propertyAOPA, 0, NULL, &propertySize, &outputVolume);
    if (status)
        NSLog(@"No volume returned for device 0x%0x", outputDeviceID);
        return 0.0;
    if (outputVolume < 0.0 || outputVolume > 1.0) return 0.0;
    return outputVolume;

    UInt32 mute;
    UInt32 propertySize = 0;
    OSStatus status = noErr;
    AudioObjectPropertyAddress propertyAOPA;
    propertyAOPA.mElement = kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster;
    propertyAOPA.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyMute;
    propertyAOPA.mScope = kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput;
    AudioDeviceID outputDeviceID = [[self class] defaultOutputDeviceID];
    if (outputDeviceID == kAudioObjectUnknown)
        NSLog(@"Unknown device");
        return 0.0;
    if (!AudioHardwareServiceHasProperty(outputDeviceID, &propertyAOPA))
        NSLog(@"No volume returned for device 0x%0x", outputDeviceID);
        return 0.0;
    propertySize = sizeof(UInt32);
    status = AudioHardwareServiceGetPropertyData(outputDeviceID, &propertyAOPA, 0, NULL, &propertySize, &mute);
    if (status)
        NSLog(@"No volume returned for device 0x%0x", outputDeviceID);
        return 0.0;
    return mute;
  return [[self class] volume] * (![[self class] mute]);


int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
  printf("%g",[Volume effective_volume]);

Compile with something like:

clang volume.m -o volume -framework Cocoa -framework AudioToolbox

Then when you run it will simply return a number representing the current effective volume:
