Read animated gif and convert to rgb frames

Alec Jacobson

June 14, 2017


Matlab's built in imread (as of 2017) doesn't load animated gifs correctly. You can fix this by changing the line:

map = info.ColorTable;

in /Applications/ with

map = reshape([info(:).ColorTable],[],3,n);

For a single frame indexed image you can use ind2rgb to convert to an rgb image. To do this on entire animated gif. You can use an arrayfun for-loop hack:

[X,M] = imread('input.gif');
Y = cell2mat(permute(arrayfun(@(C) ind2rgb(X(:,:,:,C),M(:,:,C)),1:size(X,4),'UniformOutput',false),[1 4 3 2]));


Use this instead:

map = zeros(0,3,n);
for j = 1:n
  map(1:size(info(j).ColorTable,1),:,j) = info(j).ColorTable;