Installing and running fmmlib from MATLAB on Mac OS X

Alec Jacobson

December 26, 2017


No better way to finish 2017 than trying to compile some old fortran code. This time it's the fast multipole method library from nyu, fmmlib.

Here's how I did it on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.12 with MATLAB r2018a pre-release.

First install gfortran using homebrew via:

brew install gcc

Now we need to convince to use find and use gfortran.

Download gfortran.xml


Download gfortran.xml

In MATLAB issue:

copyfile('~/Downloads/xcode7_mexopts/gfortran.xml',fullfile( matlabroot, 'bin', 'maci64', 'mexopts' ))

On the command line, install gfortrani8 in the same directory as gfortran. I did this via:

cp ~/Downloads/gfortrani8 /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/7.2.0/bin/gfortrani8

Now, the following should succeed in MATLAB to setup the gfortran compiler:

mex -setup -v FORTRAN

For posterity: If you get "sdk" related issues, you may need to copy all the 10.13 lines in gfortran.xml and create analogous lines for 10.14 etc.

It seems like the '-compatibleArrayDims' flag should be used with fmmlib, but honestly I'm not sure. Something to revisit if it crashes on giant input I guess.

Finally, I had trouble locating the libgfortran.a library and convincing MATLAB's Mex to use it. Therefore, I added:

[~,libgfortran] = system('gfortran -print-file-name=libgfortran.dylib');
libgfortran = libgfortran(1:end-1);

to my Mex script so that I can issue lines like this:


This is enough to compile all of the fortran source files one by one and then link them during compilation and linking of the fmm3d_r2012a.c file.

I've added a matlab/compile.m script to my GitHub mirror/fork of the fmmlib library. So if you do the steps above you should be to just issue:

cd ~/Downloads
git clone 
cd ~/Downloads/fmmlib3d-1.2/matlab/
