LaTeX in browser
Alec Jacobson
February 05, 2010
I did a search for "Latex in browser" without any immediate finds for what I thought would come up. Namely, an in-bowser app that has a text area, where I can type in a full latex document program, and a rendering window/frame where I can on the fly see my typeset pdf.
I've quickly coded up a simple demo of the idea. Here's a screen shot of the app running on Safari:
The code is rather simple it just calls pdflatex
on a server using AJAX. Then it dumps the pdf into an <OBJECT> tag. I spent more (too much) tinkering with the layout than actually making the latex and in-browser part come together. Here's the simple php code that the LaTeX program gets POSTed to asynchronously:
$myFile = str_replace("\.","-",tempnam(".","latex-in-browser-"));
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
fwrite($fh, $_POST['latex']);
#$error=`if pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode $myFile &> /dev/null ; echo "0";else echo "1";fi`;
$output=`pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -halt-on-error $myFile `;
if(strstr($output,"Fatal error"))
$error = "1";
$error = "0";
$log=`cat $myFile.log`;
`rm $myFile`;
`rm $myFile.log`;
`rm $myFile.aux`;
print trim($myFile).".pdf ".trim($error)." ".$log;
Try LaTeX in browser now!