Interleave rows of two n by m matrices, using matlab

Alec Jacobson

February 16, 2010


I have to 3 by 2 matrices:
     /1 2\
A = | 3 4 |
     \5 6/

     /9 8\
B = | 7 6 |
     \5 4/
and I want to interleave leave their rows into a 6 by 2 matrix, C:

     /1 2\
    | 9 8 |
C = | 3 4 |
    | 7 6 |
    | 5 6 |
     \5 4/
To achieve this in matlab I use the following:
reshape([A(:) B(:)]',size(A,1)+size(B,1), [])
Perhaps there is a better way?