Burt-Adelson spline image blending

Alec Jacobson

March 18, 2010


Using the matlabPyrTools library to build Laplacian and Gaussian pyramids of images, I've implemented the blending technique described in section 3.2 of A Multiresolution Spline With Application to Image Mosaics by Peter J. Burt and Edward H. Adelson. The idea is fairly simple and well explained in their article. Here are some of my results:

Standard facial feature blended onto hand

hand mouth spline blend comparison hand mouth spline blend result

The Burt-Adelson Burt-Adelson blend

burt adelson face spline blend comparison burt adelson face spline blend result

A portrait of the artist Nixon as a young man

nixon colin face spline blend comparison nixon colin face spline blend result Download the zipped folder of my source.